Monday 11 March 2013

Celine Phantom and Luggage Bags

Celine Phantom and Luggage bags have been two of the most popular designer bags for years. When they just came out I though they were different and cute. However they made their way to be such huge IT bags that I was worried it would look silly carrying them after couple years and never thought of buying one. A couple of years later, they are still one of the top of designer bags and getting harder and harder to get – seems like my previous worry was unnecessary. Plus, with Dr. T’s encouragement, I finally decided to get one - Phantom (after months of thinking, searching all the colours online, three times of visit Celine and about 20 minutes consideration at the shop). After getting the Phantom, I feel I didn’t make the wrong decision and I’ve fallen in love with it more and more.
CelinePhantom Luggage已經流行了好些年。當他們剛上市時,我覺得他們可愛歸可愛,但流形成那樣,現在買了幾年後拿一定非常奇怪。但幾年過後,意外的他們仍然是搶手貨,不見他們退燒反而有越來越難到手的趨勢。看來我先前的疑慮還真是多餘了。加上Dr. T非常喜歡這款包,在他的鼓勵下,我終於入手了Phantom (這可經過了好幾個月的考慮,上網搜遍全部的顏色,去了Celine三次,最後還在店裡想了二十分鐘)。最終我覺得我沒有做錯決定且越來越喜歡他。

Phantoms and Luggage are like little twins. I found it hard to differentiate them at the beginning. After searching online and chatting to Celine staff, I finally have some clues:
  • Luggage have a big zipper to close the bag but phantoms don’t – instead they have two strings on the side to close the bag
  •  Phantoms have bigger “ears”
  • Phantoms’ zipper on the front is longer

I prefer the proportion of Phantoms and think they look more casual (Luggage looks a bit business-y to me).
Phantom Luggage長得實在像對雙胞胎。剛開始我分不太清楚誰是誰。經過網上搜尋以及和店員聊天後,總算有了些頭緒:
  • Luggage 有拉鍊可以關起包包而Phantom沒有
  • Phantom的“耳朵”比較大
  • Phantom包包前面的拉鍊比較長


However, the material usage for Luggage is more interesting. They always mix colours and leathers. There are way more options than for the Phantom. Phantoms are available in manyour and material.

Phantoms are available in many colours as well but for now Phantoms tend to only have single colour and material.

Here are the Phantoms that I like the most:

At first I was thinking buying this one. Black is always the one to go for me. The leather looks really nice quality and croc leather makes it more interesting and cooler.

I am not into bright colours in general but this red is very vivid and young. It would definitely catch the eye and be especially nice for summer.

This is the colour I got in the end – patrol/concrete blue. The colour is subtle but it adds more vibes to the bag and is more interesting than just black – think it suite the playful ‘face’ design well. I like also because it’s practical - works well with both summer and winter clothes.

However, getting the colour you really want in the UK sometimes depends on luck. Celine do not display Phantoms and Luggage in their shops anymore (sometime they display one but not for sell).  You need to ask the staff if they have they have them in store, sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. According to their staff, they have 2-3 a day and they don’t know what colour they will get. They always sell out all of them - Sometimes customers actually fight for a bag! A tip from the staff: “come and check before 12 everyday” (she thinks we don’t have a life?).
但在英國要買到心儀的顏色實在還得看運氣。英國的Celine專櫃已經不陳列Phantom Luggage了(有時會擺一個非賣品)。你必須問店員他們是否有貨,有時有,有時沒有。店員告訴我通常他們每天會進兩到三個,但他們也不知道會是什麼顏色。通常當天就會賣完當天進的貨,兩三個人搶一個包的戲碼也不時在上演。店員說最好的方法就是:每天十二點前來看囉。他可能以為我們都不用生活吧!

If it’s really too difficult to get one, maybe go for a Luggage key ring before you have the chance to meet your dream Phantom/Luggage J  
如果真的真的買不到心目中的Phantom Luggage,在遇到那夢中的包包前,Luggage鑰匙圈可能可以解解隱吧!

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