Thursday 20 December 2012

Restaurant Review - Barrafina, London

Barrafina is my favourite tapas bar. I didn’t appreciate it that much when I first visited – it was good and enjoyable but I just thought there would be some other nicer tapas bars. And this fact proves that I was ignorant! After I tried more tapas bars then I realise how much I miss Barrafina - is not just good but amazing. It has become a place I always look forward to going back to when I visit London.

Beside the food, Dr. T and I also like the feeling of the restaurant. The bar is always bustling (in a good way). Seats are all around the kitchen counter; you can see how chefs prepare your food. There are around six people working in a tiny kitchen space but they never bump into each other – they know what they are doing, they know where they are going, they know which customer needs this and which customer needs that - they flow smoothly when they move around. Before your dishes come, you can see the main chef decorates the dishes carefully with their amazing sauces. They just look so pretty and delicious. Your expectation of the food rises and when you put the food in your mouth, it doesn’t disappoint you – it tastes as delicious as it looks.
Barrafina的食物美味不說,Dr. T和我也都非常喜歡那的氣氛。餐廳總是鬧哄哄的。所有的座位都在廚房的吧台。食客們可以欣賞廚師如何準備他們的食物。一個小小的廚房擠進了五六位廚師和服務生,但他們從來不會撞到彼此。他們清楚的很他們在幹嘛,他們要往哪裡去,這位個人要這個而那位客人要那個。他們行雲流水的穿梭在小小的廚房裡。菜上桌前,食客們可以清楚地看到主廚如何細心的裝飾餐點,淋上美味的醬汁。看著看著對食物的期待也不知不覺地提高,但食物的味道絕對不會讓人失望。吃起來和看起來一樣美味。

We started with ‘Sardines a la Plancha’. The skin of the sardines was very crispy but not dry. With a bit of lemon juice, they tasted not oily but fresh. Six sardines were gone in a flash.
第一道菜我們點了 ‘Sardines a la Plancha’. 沙丁魚非常的香脆卻不乾硬。撒上一點檸檬汁更是提味而不油膩。六支沙丁魚一眨眼的時間全進了我們的肚子裡祭五臟廟去了。

Afterwards we had ‘Classic Tortilla’. The surface of tortilla was beautifully browned and I could smell the scent of nicely burnt egg when it came to the table. The tortilla was soft, moist but potato inside was a bit crunchy which made the texture interesting.
接著我們點了 ‘Classic Tortilla’Tortilla的表面煎的金黃且散發着蛋香味。口感濕軟而帶點嚼起來仍然脆脆的馬鈴薯。

Then followed with my favourite super size king prawn. It was on the special menu of the day. I am in love with the smell and taste of grilled prawns. The meat was fresh, firm but tenderly chewy. It’s taste with Barrafina’s special garlic olive oil sauce (one of my favourites of Barrafina) made me feel I was the happiest woman in the world!

‘Chorizo, Potato and Watercress’ is dish that I always miss. After I had Barrafina’s chorizo, whenever I have chorizo, I wish I was at Barrafina. The chorizo tasted super rich and salty which went very well with the tender potatoes. I don’t know what the chef has done to the potatoes, but they were just more tender than any others I’ve tried. And they were seasoned so deliciously with (I will call it) magical Barrafina sauce. 
'Chorizo, Potato and Watercress'是讓我魂牽夢縈的一道菜。在我吃過Barrafinachorizo之後,每每當我吃chorizo,我都希望我是在Barrafina。他們的chorizo味道非常濃郁,配上香軟綿密的馬鈴薯剛剛好。我不知道Barrafina的廚師對他們的馬鈴薯下了什麼工夫,但他們吃起來就是特別的綿密細緻。此外,加上Barrafina的神奇調味法,馬鈴薯不再只是一層不變的味道

I know I am sounding over-the-top…to balance it a bit – not everything was that amazing. For last dish, we had another special dish of the day – lamb shoulder. Again, the sauce was tasty (Baraffina just never mess up their sauce) and the meat was super tender, however, half of the lamb shoulder was fat – Dr. T and I just couldn’t put it in our mouths. On the good side, the main chief noticed that we didn’t like it and took it out from our bill for us.
我知道我讓Barrafina聽起來神化了,但其實他們也會有不太神的時候。我們的最後一道菜是羊肩。一樣的,醬汁十分美味(他們從不在調味上出錯)而肉質非常柔軟。但一半的羊肩都是肥肉,Dr. T和我實在放不入口。但主廚注意到我們不喜歡這道菜,所以就不算這道菜的錢了。

I highly recommend Barrafina. Just they don’t take reservations and they are always super busy. So be prepared you might have to wait for a while for seats.

My scores for Barrafina:
Food – 8.5
Atmosphere – 8
Service – 8.5
Value – 8

Dr. T’s scores for Barrafina:
Food – 9
Atmosphere – 9
Service – 9
Value – 7

Other reviews on Barrafina: